Raney, T., McGregor. R.M, and Anderson, C. (Forthcoming). “When Councillors Sexually Harass: Legislative Sanctions and Gender-Based Violence in Canada’s Municipalities.” Politics and Gender.

McGregor, R.M., and Lucas, J. (Forthcoming). “Ballot roll-off in the 2021 Alberta Senate nominee election: Political identities and participation patterns." Canadian Journal of Political Science.

Anderson, C., Romualdi, T., Lucas, J., & McGregor, R.M. (Forthcoming). “Don’t worry, be happy (and vote out the incumbent): Economic anxiety and incumbent support in Ontario.Journal of Elections, Public Opinion, and Parties.

Hiller, H., Lucas, J, & McGregor, R.M. (Forthcoming). “Why do Local Residents Oppose Olympic Bids? An Electoral Perspective from Calgary 2026.Event Management.

McGregor, R.M., Lucas, J., Erl, C., & Anderson, C. (Forthcoming). “Understanding support for municipal political parties: Evidence from Canada.”  Urban Affairs Review.

Anderson, C., Lucas, J., & McGregor, R.M. (Forthcoming). “Urban Home Values and Multi-Level Political Accountability: Evidence from Calgary, Canada.Journal of Urban Affairs.

Erl, C., McGregor, R.M., Lucas, J, & Anderson, C. (2024). “Resentment and Admiration: Public Opinion Toward Teachers and Public Sector Employees in Ontario.Canadian Journal of Education, 46(3): 597-623.

Raney, T., & McGregor, R.M. (2023). “Beyond the ballot box: Public Opinion on Legislative Responses to Sexual Harassment in Canadian Politics.Canadian Journal of Political Science, 56(2): 396-412..

Lucas, J., McGregor, R.M, & Bridgman, A. (2023). “Spatial voting in non-partisan cities: A case study.Electoral studies. 82: 102599.

Migone, A., McGregor, R.M., Brock, K., & Howlett, M. (2022). “Super-Users and Hyper-Experts in the Provision of Policy Advice: Evidence from a Survey of Canadian Academics.European Policy Analysis, 8(4): 370-393..

Anderson, C., McGregor, R.M. & Stephenson L. (2022). “Us vs. Them: Do the Rules of the Game Encourage Negative Partisanship?European Journal of Political Research, 61: 1060-1079.

Hayes, H., Goodman, N., McGregor, R.M., Spicer, Z., and Pruysers, S. (2022). “The Effect of Exogenous Shocks on the Administration of Online Voting: Evidence from Ontario, Canada”. In: Krimmer, R., Volkamer, M., Duenas-Cid, D., Rønne, P., Germann, M. (eds) Electronic Voting. E-Vote-ID 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13553. Springer, Cham.

Matthews, S., McGregor, R.M., & Stephenson, L. (2022). “Conceptualizing Municipal Politics: The Case of Toronto 2018.Urban Affairs Review, 58: 1438-1465..

Lucas, J., McGregor, R.M., & Tuxhorn, K. (2022). “Closest to the People? Incumbency Advantage and the Personal Vote in Non-Partisan Elections.Political Research Quarterly 75: 188-202.

McGregor, R.M. & Pruysers, S. (2022). “Post-Secondary Education and Canadian Political Behavior: How are the Level and Field of Study related to Turnout and Partisanship?American Review of Canadian Studies, 52(2): 139-162.

McGregor, R. M., Pruysers, S., Goodman, N., & Spicer, Z. (2022). “Survey Recruitment Messages and Reported Turnout: An Experimental Study.Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties, 32: 322-388.

Moore, A. & McGregor, R.M. (2022). “The Representativeness of Neighbourhood Associations in Toronto and Vancouver.Urban Studies, 58: 2782-2797.

McGregor, R.M., Anderson, C.D., Bélanger, É., Breux, S., Lucas, J., Matthews, J.S., Mévellec, A., Moore, A.A., Pruysers, S., Stephenson, L.B., & Tolley, E. (2021). “The Canadian Municipal Election Study.Frontiers in Political Science: Elections and Representation.

Matthews, J.S., McGregor, R.M., & Stephenson, L. (2021). “Levels of Conceptualization and Municipal Politics: Replication in a New Context.Frontiers in Political Science: Elections and Representation.

McGregor, R.M., Pruysers, S., & Anderson, C. (2021). “Partisanship, Motivated Reasoning and the Notwithstanding Clause: The Case of Provincially Imposed Redistricting in the City of Toronto.Commonwealth and Comparative Politics, 59: 94-117.

Anderson, C., McGregor, R.M., & Pruysers, S. (2020). “Incumbency and Competitiveness in City Council Elections: How Accurate are Voter Perceptions?Canadian Journal of Political Science, 53: 853-871.

Lucas, J. & McGregor, R.M. (2020). “Are City Elections Unique? Perceptions of Electoral Cleavages and Social Sorting Across Levels of Government.Electoral Studies, 66: 102165.

Davidson, A., McGregor, R.M, & Siemiatycki, M. (2020). “Gender, Race and Political Ambition: The Case of Ontario School Board Elections”. Canadian Journal of Political Science, 53: 461-475.

Anderson, C., & McGregor, R.M. (2020). “National Identity, Attentiveness, and the Two Sides of Partisanship: The Case of the 2015 Canadian Federal Election.National Identities, 22: 347-366.

Davidson, A., Lucas, J., & McGregor, R.M. (2020). “Politics and Religion: Identifying the Correlates of Support for Merging the Public and Separate School Systems in Ontario.Canadian Journal of Education, 43: 229-257.

McGregor, R. M., & Lucas, J. (2019). “Who has School Spirit? Explaining Voter Participation in School Board Elections”. Canadian Journal of Political Science, 52: 923-936.

McGregor, R. M. (2018).  "Voters who Abstain: Explaining Abstention and Ballot Roll-Off in the 2014 Toronto Municipal Election."  Urban Affairs Review: 54: 1081-1106.

Anderson, C., Loewen, P. & McGregor, R.M. (2o18).  "Implementation intentions, Information, and Voter Turnout: An Experimental Study".  Political Psychology, 39: 1089-1103.

Goodman, N., McGregor, R. M., Couture, J., & Breux, S. (2018). "Another digital divide?  Evidence that Elimination of Paper Voting could lead to Digital Disenfranchisement." Policy & Internet, 10: 164-84.

Stephenson, L., McGregor, R. M., & Moore, A. (2018). “Sins of the Brother: Partisanship and Accountability in Toronto 2014” (with Laura Stephenson and Aaron Moore). In Accountability and Responsiveness at the Local Level: Views from Canada, eds. Sandra Breux and Jérôme Couture. Kingston: McGill-Queens University Press.

Caruana, C., McGregor, R. M., Moore, A. & Stephenson, L.  (2018). "Voting "Ford" or Against: Understanding Strategic Voting in the 2014 Toronto Municipal Election."  Social Science Quarterly, 99: 231-45.

McGregor, R. M., Moore, A., Jackson, S., Bird, K. & Stephenson, L. (2017). "Why so Few Women and Minorities in Local Politics?  Incumbency and Affinity Voting in Low Information Elections.Representation, 53: 135-52.

Spicer, Z., McGregor, R.M., & Alcantara, C. (2017) "Political Opportunity Structures and the Representation of Women and Visible Minorities in Municipal Elections."  Electoral Studies, 48: 10-18.

Anderson, C. & McGregor, R. M. (2017).  "Persuasion, Partisanship and Evaluations of National Conditions and Governmental Impact: An Experimental Study."  American Review of Canadian Studies, 47(1): 53-73.

Anderson, C., McGregor, R. M., Moore, A. & Stephenson, L.  (2017). "Economic Voting and Multi-Level Governance: The Case of Toronto." Urban Affairs Review, 53(1): 71-101 .

Moore, A., McGregor, R.M. & Stephenson, L.  (2017). "Paying Attention and the Incumbency Effect: Voting Behaviour in the 2014 Toronto Municipal Election." International Political Science Review, 38(1): 85-98. 

McGregor, R. M., Moore, A. & Stephenson, L. (2016).  "Political Attitudes and Behaviour in a Non-Partisan Environment: Toronto 2014."  Canadian Journal of Political Science, 49(2): 311-333.

Bird, K., Jackson, S., McGregor, R. M., Moore, A. & Stephenson, L. (2016).  "Sex (and Ethnicity) in the City: Affinity Voting in the 2014 Toronto Mayoral election."  Canadian Journal of Political Science, 49(2): 359-383.

McGregor, R. M. & Spicer, Z. (2016). "The Canadian Homevoter: Property Values and Municipal Politics in Canada.Journal of Urban Affairs, 38: 123-139.

Anderson, C. & McGregor, R. M.  (2016). "Explaining Stability and Change of Territorial Identities.Nations and Nationalism, 22: 84-102

Caruana, C., McGregor, R. M., & Stephenson, L. (2015). "The Power of the Dark Side: Negative Partisanship and Political Behaviour.Canadian Journal of Political Science, 48: 771-789.

Anderson, C. & McGregor, R.M. (2015). "Economic Attitudes and Political  Identities: The Case of Canada.International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 27: 361-382

McGregor, R. M., Caruana, C., & Stephenson, L. (2015). "Negative Partisanship in Multi-Party Systems." Journal of Elections Public Opinion and Parties, 25: 300-316.

McGregor, R.M. & Anderson, C.  (2014). "The Effects of Elections Canada’s Campaign Period Advertising." Canadian Journal of Political Science, 47:813-826.          

McGregor, R. M. (2013). "Measuring Correct Voting using Comparative Manifestos Project Data.Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties, 23: 1-26.  

McGregor, R. M. (2013). "Cognitive Dissonance and Political Attitudes:  The Case of Canada." Social Science Journal, 50: 168-176.

McGregor, R. M. (2012). "Voter Sincerity and the Time-of-Voting-Decision." Electoral Studies, 31: 715-725.